This website was developed with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The opinions and information it contains do not necessarily reflect the policy and position of the ODIHR.
Stop the Hate
The project was initiated in 1998 by the Governor’s Task Force on Hate Crimes to combat violence in ten schools in Massachusetts. It is directed at four categories of participants: students – to help them combat violence at school (exercises on how to change the status quo); teachers – to assess the current situation and propose ready solutions; lawyers and law enforcement units – to help in preventive and informative activities (how to treat victims); local communities – to designate safe regions within their own neighborhood. The website contains materials helpful in creating a common arena for all groups to fight intolerance and xenophobia of every kind. It also presents existing instances of hate resulting from differences in skin color, religion, ethnic origin, gender or sexual orientation.
Language version: English
News: no
Newsletter: yes
Downloadable educational materials: yes, a questionnaire for teachers to assess whether a school is threatened by violence, links to web pages dedicated to human rights and combating intolerance, and guides on how to avoid intolerance and combat biases
Contact: Governor’s Task Force on Hate Crimes
David Rudewick, Students’ Civil Rights Director
One Ashburton Place, Suite 2110
Boston, MA 02108