This website was developed with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The opinions and information it contains do not necessarily reflect the policy and position of the ODIHR.
The Platform of European Social NGOs (Social Platform)
The Social Platform was established in 1995 to create a platform for dialogue between social organizations and EU institutions. The Platform directs the attention of the main EU decision-making bodies to the need to develop social policy, respect fundamental human rights, and deal with the problems of homelessness, racism and discrimination. SP runs a number of campaigns for social justice, the rights of people with disabilities, and guaranteed social welfare in the EU Constitution. The common stance of the organizations united in the SP is communicated during conferences, campaigns, seminars, and regular meetings with representatives of EU institutions. The association also facilitates the flow of information about EU social policy initiatives to interested member states. Another goal of the Platform is to increase the role of NGOs in public discussion of the shaping of European society.
Language version: English, French
News: yes
Newsletter: yes
Downloadable educational materials: press articles; Social Voices journal, available electronically; annual reports of SP activities; speeches by SP members made in EU institutions; conference reports; calendar of current projects and conferences.
Contact: Platform of European Social NGOs
Square de Meeus 18
B-1050 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 511 37 14
Fax: +32 2 511 19 09